Marulan Public School

Respectful, Responsible and Safe

Telephone02 4841 1573

About our school

Marulan Public school is situated 20 minutes north of Goulburn in a small but growing village next to the Hume Highway and a busy railway line. The availability of affordable family homes is supported through several new housing developments that are contributing to an increase in school enrolments. 

The school enjoys a strong connection to the local community through the engagement of several local businesses and community groups. The introduction of Before and After School Care services has greatly supported working parents.

The school has a population of 125 students consisting of  mainstream classes and a Multi-Categorical (MC) support class. Students come from a range of socio-economic backgrounds with 13% identifying as Aboriginal and a Family Occupational Index (FOE) of 126.

As a member of the thriving Goulburn Community of Public Schools (GCoPS) network, our students are able to participate in a range of sporting, STEM and creative arts initiatives and activities. 

A strong school culture is underpinned by Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) strategies, UR Strong Positive Relationship Program and the Berry Street Education Model. The school works closely with the parent body and the wider community to promote school excellence and positive engagement.

The teaching staff consists of ten teachers as well as four School Learning Support Officers (SLSOs), a full time School Administrative Manager (SAM) and a part time School Administrative Officer (SAO) position.

Through the situational analysis, the school is committed  to the following two strategic directions:

Strategic Direction 1 - Student Attainment and Growth: In order to maximise student learning outcomes in reading and numeracy and to build strong foundations for academic success, we will further develop, introduce and refine evidence-based teaching practices that are responsive to the learning needs of individual students.

Strategic Direction 2 - Aspirations and High Expectations: In order for students to improve student's sense of belonging and empower them to engage and succeed in higher order learning challenges, we will further develop teacher expectations of success through improving student advocacy and positive attitudes towards learning improvement and social engagement.